Free Gifts

free giftblueberries

The stages and circumstances of life change –  and so do we! Re-scripting our goals, being confident in choosing how we want to change, and knowing what is no longer us, can be a challenging journey.

I’ll help you figure out the steps to revive your vision, energy and purpose for the life you were designed for.  But in the meantime please help yourself to one of my free gifts.


Gift #1. Renewing Your Mindset for Vibrant Living – DOWNLOAD HERE

Life flows in the direction of our thoughts. When we get stuck and start feeling small,  inadequate, too old to change, the need to be perfect – it’s time to renew our thinking.

Take action for growth using the power of your thoughts. Topics in this handout are:

  • how to begin to renew your mind
  • five steps to move towards your purpose and potential
  • an exercise to begin your practice for a rejuvenated mindset

You can download Renewing Your Mindset for Vibrant Living immediately.  I’d love to hear if this was helpful for you:

Gift #2 In every stage we live our own story – and my gift ready to DOWNLOAD HERE:  Sustainable_Script_HealthLIfeStages can help you sustain a healthy script for EVERY stage of life.

Gift #3 Life is a gift to be celebrated. Make opportunities to share joys, stepping stones and achievements – and challenges – with family and friends. DOWNLOAD HERE: Celebration Foods Recipe Booklet_Jan2014, (a collection from In Balance colleagues and myself before IB disbanded) – for delicious, healthier options to celebrate well.

Gift #4  Making, sharing and eating great food is one of my ‘first loves’.  Most often healthy and nutritional, and some times that special something that just hits the sweet spot. Until there is designated link for recipes in my blog menu I will be dropping some favourites here in Gift #4. Could be for celebrations, comfort, fresh and fast, or take along on the trail. I am preparing for my first weekend hiking trip – and these Power Biscotti Bars are coming with me.

Gift #5 Optimal health includes healthy nutrition for the gut. Fermented foods can contribute to your healthy gut: download and try these two simple fermented food recipes – How to Make Yogurt and Kimchi.

Enjoy your free gifts!

Love and gratitude,
