Category: Family

Feeling the Distance, Missing my People

When we moved to Nova Scotia in 2007, other than our realtor and the neighbours next door, everyone was a stranger. This was going to be home; intent on meeting people, I’d strike up a conversation with practically anyone: at the grocery store, on… Continue Reading “Feeling the Distance, Missing my People”

A December getaway, without breaking the bank

October was a hustle: a wonderful time of family and anniversary partying. November’s schedule, planning ahead for December’s holiday season, was no less busy. But there was no questioning or negotiating with the task logged in my daytimer for November 28th. “Plan a getaway”. Soon:… Continue Reading “A December getaway, without breaking the bank”

Celebrating 50 years … a family weekend

Our wedding photo tells the truth: Derryl and I were mere children when we vowed “I do, I will”. Fifty years later, thinking about this ‘crazy-big-number ‘milestone, I’m excited to share a photo-story of our celebration with family, and community friends who have become… Continue Reading “Celebrating 50 years … a family weekend”

End-of-Summer, Photo-Visit Blitz

My late summer’s pilgrimage to western Canada was two-fold: first in British Columbia with my husband’s family, then visiting my kin in Alberta. We travelled by air to the furthest south-west part of British Columbia – Abbotsford – for a Toews reunion: delicious in… Continue Reading “End-of-Summer, Photo-Visit Blitz”

Photo-blog: Cape Breton pulls out the stops for Mom and Son hiking

“Hey Mom, I have a two-week window to come see you and Dad: end of June into July.” Yahoo! Our son Brad was coming to see us. I love these calls from our kids – other family too for that matter, as everybody lives… Continue Reading “Photo-blog: Cape Breton pulls out the stops for Mom and Son hiking”

Hello 70’s

June 22nd I turned my life-calendar ahead to another decade: the 70’s. Seventy feels like a ridiculously big number that makes me wonder, how on earth did this happen already? This is how. I have been busy doing life with a web of family… Continue Reading “Hello 70’s”

Family Moving to Nova Scotia: A Dream I Didn’t Even Think to Wish for

When I get messages from my kids – texts, emails, phone calls – they’re special news bulletins I read or pick up as fast as they come. Text April 11, 2021 “Hey Mom, are you and Dad available tonight? I’d like to chat about… Continue Reading “Family Moving to Nova Scotia: A Dream I Didn’t Even Think to Wish for”

Sole Sisters Hike Mont Mégantic

Winter, 2021. I was on a Zoom call with my husband’s sister. She and her husband live in another country two time zones away, share life in a communal family household, and were then working from home. Not surprising that we rarely connect; my… Continue Reading “Sole Sisters Hike Mont Mégantic”

Rescripting ‘this’ Story

Covid-19’s upheaval is trying to sabotage my story. I want a script with intimate gatherings around my table, traveling, hiking with friends  on a trail, elbow-jostling and close-up conversations. This happy-buzz story where people like me thrive, has been traded out for isolation, restriction,… Continue Reading “Rescripting ‘this’ Story”

Less vulnerable with a script

We are being told: regularly wash your hands with soap and water; practice social distancing (two metres apart from people other than those in your own home); do not go anywhere except for essential services. I’ve followed this script for a month and will… Continue Reading “Less vulnerable with a script”