Category: Fit For Fun

A December getaway, without breaking the bank

October was a hustle: a wonderful time of family and anniversary partying. November’s schedule, planning ahead for December’s holiday season, was no less busy. But there was no questioning or negotiating with the task logged in my daytimer for November 28th. “Plan a getaway”. Soon:… Continue Reading “A December getaway, without breaking the bank”

Photo-blog: Cape Breton pulls out the stops for Mom and Son hiking

“Hey Mom, I have a two-week window to come see you and Dad: end of June into July.” Yahoo! Our son Brad was coming to see us. I love these calls from our kids – other family too for that matter, as everybody lives… Continue Reading “Photo-blog: Cape Breton pulls out the stops for Mom and Son hiking”

Grateful for my Body. Today.

A couple weeks ago, clear as an audible voice I heard: “Karen, are you grateful for your body?” Though the question caught me off guard, answers fill pages in my journal where “so help me God”, the truth hits the page. Thoughts and laments… Continue Reading “Grateful for my Body. Today.”

Photo-Blog: First Visit to Newfoundland

I bought a new bike to replace my older, heavier one. That was in March: when the weather and roads were still not compatible for a test run, but I needed a carrot to shore up motivation and spirit that my hip and back… Continue Reading “Photo-Blog: First Visit to Newfoundland”

Do first Solo Campout – 2021 ✓

My wish to do a solo campout had simmered long enough. This was the year I made it happen. Conditions were right: I had a beautiful destination in mind (important detail to me), I could easily explain my whereabouts to local hikers, and ‘warm… Continue Reading “Do first Solo Campout – 2021 ✓”

Sole Sisters Hike Mont Mégantic

Winter, 2021. I was on a Zoom call with my husband’s sister. She and her husband live in another country two time zones away, share life in a communal family household, and were then working from home. Not surprising that we rarely connect; my… Continue Reading “Sole Sisters Hike Mont Mégantic”

Are we having fun yet?

Twelve of us in ten boats were paddling the Atlantic shoreline near Canso, Nova Scotia. We had navigated through rocky inlets, shoals, surf, the wind’s wanton shifting in direction and velocity; we’d schlepped gear to where we could find suitable camping spots. We’d been… Continue Reading “Are we having fun yet?”

Adventure is in the Air

Maybe it’s the arrival of spring on the calendar: crocuses aren’t up yet but I can visualize their yearning, stretching to reach through the soil. It could be visualizing my daughter Renee on her three-day solo hike-ski-backpack in the Laurentians. I’m rejoicing for her… Continue Reading “Adventure is in the Air”

what I’ve been up to: reviving the moxie

I had a vacation in January. I didn’t escape winter to enjoy sun, sand and palm trees. I returned to my Alberta home town for a visiting-blitz with family and friends. It was lovely. I went for cold morning walks at By-the-Lake-Park : reviving… Continue Reading “what I’ve been up to: reviving the moxie”

inspired by Nancy’s determination and courage to ‘do the dream’

A mutual friend (thank you, Janice!) introduced me to Nancy Veinot. We immediately recognized kindred spirits for hiking, activity, fun and adventure and our friendship has grown since that day in 2015. Nancy’s vibrant spirit, energy, and curiosity for LIFE continues to inspire me;… Continue Reading “inspired by Nancy’s determination and courage to ‘do the dream’”